Here, you will find:
⮕ Various volunteer opportunities.
⮕ Practical things you can do NOW!
⮕ How your lifestyle can influence the world around you.
⮕ And more...
Not sure where to start? That's okay.
We're here with the support you need.
⮕ Practical things you can do NOW!
⮕ How your lifestyle can influence the world around you.
⮕ And more...
Not sure where to start? That's okay.
We're here with the support you need.
Choose your own adventure!
What's the big deal about volunteering? ⬇
What's the next serve opportunity? ⬇
What can I do today to make a difference? ⬇
How can I influence the world around me? ⬇
My organization always needs volunteers! ⬇
I'm hosting an event that needs volunteers. ⬇
I need to submit my volunteer hours. ⬇
Let me tell you what this person did! ⬇
Our Volunteer Philosophy
Our approach to serving and volunteering is simple. Do something...and DO IT NOW!
You've heard it said before that actions speak louder than words, and it's true. In fact, Theodore Rosevelt once said, “People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.” We're creating a culture, one Warrior at a time, where genuine care drives intentional action.
You've heard it said before that actions speak louder than words, and it's true. In fact, Theodore Rosevelt once said, “People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.” We're creating a culture, one Warrior at a time, where genuine care drives intentional action.
We've got a simple formula:
This world is not void of needs. In fact, it doesn't take long to feel very overwhelmed when thinking about that reality. Is it possible for you to meet every need? Absolutely not.
You can meet a few needs. Your friend can meet a few more. I can meet some. The neighbor across the street can. Even the person you're not too fond of can. But let's not worry about those other folks, let's look at you, and me.
Here's where the magic happens: When we mix a little bit of organized, team efforts with a little bit of day-in and day-out, organic, grassroots intentional living.
This is why we have three ways in which we encourage folks to serve/volunteer.
You can meet a few needs. Your friend can meet a few more. I can meet some. The neighbor across the street can. Even the person you're not too fond of can. But let's not worry about those other folks, let's look at you, and me.
Here's where the magic happens: When we mix a little bit of organized, team efforts with a little bit of day-in and day-out, organic, grassroots intentional living.
This is why we have three ways in which we encourage folks to serve/volunteer.
Continue to
Serve in Your
The goal of is big. In fact, it's bigger than any of us. Eradicating the world of needs might just be the most unattainable thing ever, but we're crazy enough to see it, define it, and shoot for it.
Whether it's through:
How? Glad you asked. Now let me answer that with a couple questions of my own,
What is that thing you're love doing?
What keeps you up at night?
What are you good at?
The answers to these questions (and more) are like massive spotlights shining a light on your God-given, hard-wired purpose.
Whether it's through:
- A structured volunteer opportunity,
- The patterns in your everyday life, or
- Practical action steps you can take...
How? Glad you asked. Now let me answer that with a couple questions of my own,
What is that thing you're love doing?
What keeps you up at night?
What are you good at?
The answers to these questions (and more) are like massive spotlights shining a light on your God-given, hard-wired purpose.
Continue to
Your World
When we begin to point our life toward that thing that sets our soul on fire, our actions, both intentional and organic, begin to follow suit.
As you press into your purpose, your motives will begin to shift from a sense of duty or personal gain to a sense of personal responsibility and hopeful expectation.
This is where influence happens.
This is where you serving becomes more natural.
This is where you meet people that need the care you want to give.
When you own your responsibility to meet the needs right there around you...and when I do the same, along with your neighbor, and your friend, and even that guy you don't care for...together, we begin to chisel away at that overwhelming reality that this world is hurting, broken, and in need.
As you press into your purpose, your motives will begin to shift from a sense of duty or personal gain to a sense of personal responsibility and hopeful expectation.
This is where influence happens.
This is where you serving becomes more natural.
This is where you meet people that need the care you want to give.
When you own your responsibility to meet the needs right there around you...and when I do the same, along with your neighbor, and your friend, and even that guy you don't care for...together, we begin to chisel away at that overwhelming reality that this world is hurting, broken, and in need.
we're here to help.
Lasting culture change doesn't happen overnight. It takes real people with real stories. So whether you need a bullet to help you attain that next promotion and are looking for something to do OR you're determined that you're going to end world hunger because you know what it feels like to go without, or anywhere in between, you're in the right spot. Jump in, let's see what happens!
RHYTHM noun.
A strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement.
We believe that YOU have the power to influence the culture around you when these ten qualities are present and refined in our everyday lives.
YOU are the solution to the epidemic of mental health issues, depression, isolation, and even suicide.
Over time, we believe that this LIFESTYLE will help us drastically see a reduction in these issues. We fight for the fact that these 'rhythms' produce levels of care around us and others and are strong guardrails we all need, while not overloading our lives with unnecessary white noise.
This isn't a's a lifestyle.
YOU are the solution to the epidemic of mental health issues, depression, isolation, and even suicide.
- No program can change it.
- No campaign can change it.
- YOU (yes, YOU) have that power.
- It's not someone else's job, it's OURS.
Over time, we believe that this LIFESTYLE will help us drastically see a reduction in these issues. We fight for the fact that these 'rhythms' produce levels of care around us and others and are strong guardrails we all need, while not overloading our lives with unnecessary white noise.
This isn't a's a lifestyle.
YOU are the solution to the epidemic of mental health issues. We're convinced that this culture will help eradicate depression, isolation, and even suicide.
- EW Leadership
PRACTICAL adjective.
Mindful of the results, usefulness, and advantages of certain actions or practices.
Here, you will find action steps that you can engage in throughout your normal day-to-day lives that fit with our Every Warrior mission.
Why? Because when you DO SOMETHING in your everyday life, you're helping create a where every one of us owns our personal responsibility to influence the world around us.
Why? Because when you DO SOMETHING in your everyday life, you're helping create a where every one of us owns our personal responsibility to influence the world around us.
For me, it’s about lifting up those in need. It's about those standing to your left and right. We should be there to help when needed. We're taught from day one: one team, one fight.
This is where we fight!
Walter Elenz, USAF
Want us to let you know of upcoming volunteer opportunities? Have a certain skillset that we could call on in a crisis? If so, or even if you're not sure where to even begin, click the Do Something button and fill out the form and we will make sure you are kept in the know with all the latest.
Just finished a volunteer project or serve day? Click the button below, tell us about it and we will keep track of your hours. Whether you volunteer one time a year or many times a month, no matter if you serve with us or out there in the wild on your own, we'll help you keep track of it, and when you need the info, it'll be ready.
Does your organization need consistent volunteers? Do you have opportunities our Warriors should know about? Are you planning an event and you need stellar folks to help make it happen? Then this is the place to let us know. We'll work with you to get your opportunity in front or more Warriors!
We're you amazed at what your coworker did? Do you want to recognize someone for their selflessness? Need to give credit where credit is due? Then look no further! Tell us about that hard-working, selfless, and humble Warrior that is making a difference out there in the wild. We'd love to highlight their acts!