2021 Strategic Plan

As we charge forward in a world impacted by pandemics, division, and uncertainty...2021 will be a year of radical expansion both deep and wide in order to connect to every Warrior we can, everywhere they are, and in everything they face.

As a LEAN, STRONG, EFFECTIVE, and TRANSPARENT organization, this vision can become a reality by meeting the goals stated in this plan.

2020 allowed us to change our name, update our focus, adapt in the face of cancelled events, learn more about our Warriors and how we can effectively care for them better, and create avenues to begin expanding our mission and the culture we are fighting for on the shoulders of the Warriors we serve as they move around the world. 2021 will truly allow us to become a local organization with a global reach...serving every Warrior we can, wherever they are, and in whatever they face.

As always, and as we learned in 2020, our plans are subject to change, but one thing is for sure...Our Warriors will be served and cared for as creatively and effectively as possible.

Check out the plan by viewing the document attached to the link below.