What do you think of when you hear the word servant? Someone giving of their time? Someone helping someone else? Someone taking it upon themselves to meet a need? YES! Good news! Your right! What does a servant look like though? Well, meet Ed Blanco!

From the city of New Orleans, Ed joined the military and served as a cop. He was the guy that was always smiling at the gate, constantly had an encouraging word, and just carried himself in a way that proved he really did love serving others. 

When he wasn’t at work, you could (and still can) find him at one of the local schools. And not your school in the suburbs, not even close. Truth is, he sought out the schools in the hardest, poorest, and most struggling part of town. Why? Because he is walking proof that you don’t have to be bound by anything! His heart for the next generation is awe-inspiring, but more than that, his desire to prove to kids that the world has all but written off that they can be more, in fact, much more than they think they can! 

Today, having recently separated from Active Duty, he serves in the same way. He's investing not just in current high school students, but in other Warriors, and even former students, building them to replicate and expand the efforts he is passionate about. He doesn’t see projects, and he doesn't see people less than him…he sees the potential, and he serves, relentlessly inspiring them to rise above!