I AM _______.

Aug 1, 2022

Hey Warrior! Please understand how powerful the words “I AM” actually are. What you say after these words shapes your life. This month brings with it many things, one of which is an opportunity to start anew. An opportunity to start over. An opportunity to grow, develop and pursue our goals and dreams. To be successful on our journey, we must understand that the world is already difficult enough, we can’t make it harder on ourselves before we even begin.

As month 8 of 2022 begins, make a promise to yourself…stop saying things like “I am not good enough”, “I am a failure”, etc. We know these things are not true. Instead, give TRUTH a voice and say to yourself, “I AM capable”, “I AM going to give it my best”, and “I AM going to succeed”. Many times we avoid this type of self-talk because we don’t want to “name it and claim it”, but while our intent in that is good and pure, we often throw the baby out with the bath water. A hole is left in our hearts and mind when the positive self-talk is avoided, leaving room for the negativity found both in us and in the world around us to set in and start speaking its lies. This type of positive self-talk is the first step to letting TRUTH have its way in your life.

Overwhelm the poison with the truth. For example: Did you fail or mess up? Yes. Does that bring with it consequences? Yes. Are you defined by that failure? Not if you own it. Can that mess up or failure bring about good? Absolutely. Negative self-talk lies and says: “I am a failure” or “I’ll never beat this problem” or “I’m a bad person.” While the truth is this: “I messed up, but I AM able to learn from this” or “I AM now in possession of a new perspective” or “I AM not defined by this…” or “I really AM loved by those who are trying to help me...”

When we let truth overwhelm the lies, we reduce the so-called negative qualities of our lives to their rightful place, making them identifiable and manageable areas that we can begin to work on. The truth also eliminates the white noise that makes the negative seem so much bigger than it really is.

1. Determine one positive “I AM” statement today that you can begin speaking over your life.
2. Can’t seem to see one? Ask for help from someone you trust.