Check Your Environment.

Aug 16, 2022

Hey Warrior. Your environment impacts more than you think.

I don’t think we understand how important our environment is. Stay with me for a minute... let's take, for example, breathing underwater. We can try to inhale, then exhale...but we all know this isn’t going to work out too well. But why? I mean, you're doing everything you need to do in order to normally breathe right? It’s not that difficult. Inhale...exhale. Oh're in the wrong're under you're not getting any air.

As silly as this example may be...there is still a lesson to be learned. The same can be said with trying to be successful, positive, or working towards your goals. You can be doing everything you're supposed to be doing, everything right, but if you're in the wrong environment (negativity, hanging around negative people, self-doubt, etc.) are going to struggle.