Tuesday's Action Step

Dec 22, 2020

Here we are, one more day closer to Christmas. Here is today's Action Step:

“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” – Brene Brown

I love this quote from one of our favorite minds on leadership. We all strive for happiness, and many of us chase it with everything we have and for all that it's worth. In all reality, the happiness we are looking for is the joy that only comes from a heart that has fount contentment with where we are in life, and that can only be attained when we take stock of where we are through the art of gratitude. When we slow down and pay attention to the moments that are right in front of us, we discover that these small moments, the people around us, the things we do have, the lessons we have learned, and the details we tend to overlook are parts of our lives that, when filtered through gratitude, can more than fill the needs we have.

Gratitude, and the daily practice thereof, produces joy.

Here's the challenge: Take a few moments before Christmas gets here and list out the things in your life that you are thankful for. Ask yourself this: No matter what I am facing, if these things are things I can be thankful for, how can I allow these things to produce gratitude in my life? And now what can I do about it?