Inherent - Pt 7 // GENEROSITY

Aug 5, 2021

When we hear the word generosity, more than likely, we immediately think MONEY. Give Give Give. Give to the non profit. Give to your family. Give to the church. Give to the homeless man on the street. Give to your friends. Give at Christmas. Give Give Give.

While yes, generosity includes money, truth is this, we cut off generosity at the knees when we only view it through financial means. What other things can you be generous with?


All of those, and more, are things that we carry around with us day in and day out that someone around you is desperately looking for. To fully experience generosity that knows no bounds, we must experience it in multiple ways.

What ways has someone been generous to you? How have they shown you that you are valuable and they are willing to make an investment of whatever it may be that they possess into you.

What ways can you practice generosity? Yes, I meant to say practice. Because sometimes generosity is a choice, and on the days where it's not coming naturally, you have the ability to choose to give of yourself in some way for the good of someone else. And like serving, generosity not only helps the person around you, it has legitimate benefits to your overall health, especially mentally.

Don't go "charge hell with a water pistol." Start small. Start with one thing. Give it away. Give away the kind word or smile. Give away the word of encouragement or the hug. Give the wisdom. Help someone out because you are gifted in what they need. Make someone laugh. Make the donation. Pay for a friends meal. Give. Give joy. Give hope. Give you.