Inherent - Pt 4 // LEADERSHIP

Aug 2, 2021

Let's face it, in the military, you are bombarded with leadership. Yes, it is something that is almost buzzwordish. But, that's not a bad thing. When the heart behind leadership is pure, amazing things happen.

What makes a good leader? Look around at some of the most influential people in your life. See their faces. What made them influential? Simply put, it was the fact that they led in some way. You allowed them to lead you, you allowed them to speak into your life. How did they lead you though? What was the access they used that made you allow them into the area of your life that could be influenced? If I were to bet, it would probably be service.

Leadership through service is paramount to influence. We are never stronger than when we show others how to impact this world by simply serving others. 

If we want to truly lead people, we must have a heart to serve them. The greatest leaders in the world, whether they have a huge extensive network and platform or whether they are simply people that lead in their everyday normal lives...they all have a similar story. The true leaders with the ability to truly and meaningfully influence their people are the ones that truly care about their people and use their means as a way to serve others and make them better.